The study of isotopes suggests that men and women had equal access to resources 6,000 years ago

In orange, the location of the Barmaz site, looking south. It is located on the plain, at the foot of the Chablais massif, which rises to an altitude of 2500 m. The site is divided into two contemporary burial areas called Barmaz I (dark blue) and Barmaz II (light blue) (Honegger and Desideri 2003, modified). … Read more

The secret to living the last 120 years? Nanobots

I have had many conversations over the years about life extension, and the idea often meets with resistance. People get upset when they hear about an individual whose life is shortened by a disease, but when faced with the possibility of the overall extension of human life, they react negatively. “Life is too hard to … Read more

Two million years ago, an encounter between the sun and something outside the solar system changed all life on Earth

New research from Boston University and the Harvard Radcliffe Institute suggests that the Sun passed through a large hydrogen cloud two million years ago, directly impacting its protective heliosphere and may have forever changed all life on Earth. The evidence for this event and its effects on Earth’s climate also indicates that the location of … Read more